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Is Your Water Poisoning Your Family? Get Fluoride Testing Now!

Fluoride levels in your water at home could be too high, get it tested and take legal action if the levels are higher than allowed. 

CNN Fluoride Article

New York Times Fluoride Article

FOX News Article

NIH - National Library of Medicine Fluoride Article

Protect Your Family

More and more news reports are coming out confirming what many of us have suspected for years—fluoride in our water supply is harming children’s brain development. CNN, The New York Times, Fox News, and NBC are all reporting on new government-backed studies that confirm higher fluoride exposure is linked to lower IQ scores in kids. If this is just coming to light now, ask yourself: how long have they known? And why hasn’t anything been done?

Fluoride in Water Testing
Fluoride Testing Services.webp

Trust Your Government?

At EMF Testing Services, we don’t trust government agencies to tell us what’s safe. Fluoride is added to our water without our consent, and in places like Florida—especially Hillsborough County—the levels could be dangerously high. The only way to know for sure is to test your water yourself.

Take Legal Action

Our fluoride testing service is just $60 in Hillsborough County and $99 for out-of-county testing. If you find excessive levels of fluoride in your drinking water, you could have legal grounds for action. Lawsuits and class-action cases are already being discussed, and compensation may be available for those affected. If your children have been drinking fluoridated water for years, they may be suffering the consequences now.

Fluoride Levels in Water Legal Action.webp

Don't Wait! Get the Fluoride levels in your home tested now!

Fluoride levels in your water at home could be too high, get it tested and take legal action if the levels are higher than allowed. 

CNN Fluoride Article

New York Times Fluoride Article

FOX News Article

NIH - National Library of Medicine Fluoride Article

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